Cornerstone League

Research & Statistics

From statistical summaries to community feedback and even comprehensive economic profiles, Cornerstone League can expand your credit union's knowledge and wisdom by sharing extensive research. We devote a great amount of time to researching the environment for you.

Services Available to League Members


Peer-to-Peer Reports

State-level statistics on Cornerstone credit unions


Deposit & Loan Rates

Get the latest rates in your state

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CU Performance Reports

Economic and personalized performance reports

Compensation Survey

Compensation Resources

Resources regarding staff and CEO salaries and compensation

Other Reports

Other Reports

Access reports such as Average Retail Fees and CU Core Processors.

Not a Member?

This service is a Cornerstone League member benefit. If your credit union is not currently a member and you would like to learn more, visit the Benefits of Membership page.

Want More?

Our research team delivers fee-based services to credit unions that want personalized knowledge so they can learn from today’s events and prepare for the future.