Cornerstone League



Tap into a network of experts who are eager to share ideas, advice, and best practices. Get front-row access to industry experts hot topics, gain insights through learning, and build a network of leaders who share your goal of advancing the credit union movement. No more reinventing the wheel—you’ll succeed together.

Our councils cover just about every aspect of credit union operations from crunching numbers, tackling payments, and improving operations to championing social equity, inspiring creativity, and celebrating the heart of credit unions.  

Who can join?

Cornerstone councils are available for staff and volunteers in the Cornerstone region and Nebraska Credit Union League member credit unions. Louisiana Credit Union League members are eligible to join the Member Business Service Council. Nebraska and Louisiana credit unions must join through their respective League.

How much does it cost?

Here's the best part: Council memberships are dues supported for all member credit union staff and volunteers. Dive into any (or all) 10 of Cornerstone councils to make the most of your dues dollars.  For leaders responsible for several areas, this is a valuable opportunity to extend your knowledge by joining several councils.

Council membership benefits: 

  • Networking and Collaboration: Connect with like-minded colleagues and tap into a vast network of experts who are eager to share ideas, advice, and best practices.
  • Council-only Webinars and Calls: Stay ahead of the trends, learn best practices and get front-row access to industry experts presenting topics tailored to each council.
  • Access to Connect (online community): Step into an online community where you can ask questions, spark discussions, or share your brilliant ideas.
  • Leadership Opportunities: Become an executive committee member and help guide the council programming. 

Join a Council (or all of them) or renew a previous subscription.


“Being a part of the Marketing and Business Development Council gave me access to a network with other credit union leaders in my same position. Collecting new ideas, expanding on current ones, and knowing what worked or didn’t work in other demographics is a tremendous benefit to me.”

Kelley Stark, Director of Marketing, GENCO, Waco, Texas


Upcoming Events

    Southwest Lending & Collections Conference

    Oklahoma City, OK

    Hosted in partnership with the Cornerstone Lending & Collections Council, this conference provides networking and education opportunities for lending and collections professionals.

    IMPACT 2025: Cornerstone Annual Meeting

    Round Rock, TX

    Join fellow Cornerstone members at the Kalahari Resorts & Conventions.