Cornerstone League

Pinnacle Awards

Pinnacle Awards

Pinnacle Awards are presented by Cornerstone's Marketing and Business Development Council and honor your credit unions and staff for their special skills, innovation, time, and resources that contribute to successful marketing campaigns. Award winners are recognized at IMPACT: Cornerstone Annual Meeting.


Award Categories and Qualifying Timeframe

There are over 20 Pinnacle Award categories to enter. View the list of categories for details.

Submissions must be newly created and been used for marketing or business development purposes between Jan. 1, 2024 - Dec. 31, 2024.

Timeline for the 2025 Awards

  • Dec. 9, 2024-Feb 28, 2025: Awards open for submission
  • Feb. 3, 2025: Early Bird deadline (Submit three awards, get one free).
  • March 2025: Judging
  • May 14, 2025: Pinnacle Award winners honored at IMPACT: Annual Meeting Pinnacle reception in Round Rock, TX

Award Entry Fees

Credit unions less than $250M in assets: $100
Credit unions $250M - $700M in assets: $115
Credit unions $700M - $1.25B in assets: $130
Credit unions greater than $1.25B: $160

How to pay

Pay using a check or credit card.

Please send your check and payment form to:

Cornerstone League
Attn: Cristina Martinez - PINNACLE AWARDS
6801 Parkwood Blvd Suite 300

Dallas, Texas 75024

Payment checks must be postmarked by Feb. 28, 2025 to be eligible.

2024 Pinnacle Award winners

Total number of entries: 122
Number of credit unions represented: 20
Number of judges: 7
Number of categories: 27
Number of award winners: 75

Entries receiving 60% or higher were eligible to qualify for an award.



Who can submit an entry for a Pinnacle Award?
When do the entries have to be uploaded to the site?
Is a credit union allowed to enter the same category multiple times?
Can I enter the same piece in more than one category?
How do I calculate the results on the entry form?
How are the judges chosen?
Is an award given in each category?
How many entries do you receive, and how many awards are given?
Will I receive a write-up from the judges with comments on my entry?
Where will I pick up my award if I win?
Do I have to attend the conference to win?
Are winning entries displayed at the conference?
Are all winning TV and Radio spots played?
If I can’t attend the conference to receive my award, can a representative accept it on my behalf?
If I can’t attend the conference, can I attend the awards celebration to receive my award?
If I can’t attend the conference, can a representative from my ad agency accept on my behalf?
Are the non-winners notified after the judging, as well as the winners?
Who do I contact if I have questions?