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Biz Kid$ Entrepreneur Contest

Biz Kid$

Cornerstone Foundation is excited to announce that credit unions have the opportunity to participate in the highly acclaimed Biz Kid$ Entrepreneur Contest for the 2021-2022 academic year.

Biz Kid$ is a financial education initiative that includes an award-winning TV series, free classroom curriculum, outreach activities, and a monthly online newsletter targeting children 9–16 years old. Through this initiative, students will be equipped with skills to build them up as leaders and help set them up for success in the future.  

Participating teachers, with the help of a credit union partner, will implement the Biz Kid$ curriculum in their classrooms. As students complete the program, they will collaboratively create a business plan for a partnering organization in their community, incorporating the entrepreneurial skills learned through Biz Kid$. 

What is Biz Kid$?

Biz Kid$ is the credit union-funded public television series that teaches children 9–16 years old about money management and entrepreneurship. The Foundation has been a supporter of Biz Kid$ since its inception.


For questions or interest in participation, please contact  Marina Garcia, Financial Capability Director, at 972-322-9312.