financial education

NEFE to retire high school financial planning program

Posted: Mar 10, 2021 | Author: Cornerstone League
Balance  CFPB  Council on Economic Education  Enrich  EverFi  FDIC  financial capability  financial education  Foundation  JumpStart  KOFE 

You might call it the end of an era.

For 20 years, the Cornerstone Foundation has been a proud sponsor of the National Endowment for Financial Education’s (NEFE) High School Financial Planning Program. In fact, the Foundation had made the high school program one of its signature Foundation programs. NEFE has now decided to end the program.

On its website, NEFE notes that financial education has come a long way since the organization launched its first resource in 1984. “To that end, our intention over the next year is to transform NEFE into an institute that advances high-impact scholarly research and facilitates collaboration with practitioners, advocates, and policymakers.”

Cornerstone Foundation Executive Director Courtney Moran said, “While we will hate to see the program go because we have been a strong supporter for two decades, we are pleased to note that there are now many programs that offer similar financial education to our schools. The schools will remain a priority for the Foundation because they are critical to helping our children grow into successful adults. But it has become clear that we must also focus on the bigger picture to help our members live financially healthy lives, and we will be shifting more of our emphasis in that direction.”

She noted that high schools will not be without resources for financial education. Here is a list of some great programs they can tap:

The Cornerstone Foundation has also created partnerships with the following financial capability providers who all have robust online learning platforms for all ages:

Moran said the Foundation will continue supporting financial education in schools through member credit unions.

“We will still provide our member credit unions the necessary tools and resources to partner with their local schools,” she said. “Train the trainer sessions, experiential learning programs like the BALANCED Life Reality Fairs and classroom simulations, and vetted and recommended curriculum will still be available. We also will support financial education legislation and keep our network apprised of developments as we always have.”


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